How I got 50euro bounty?
Hi everyone, i am back with another writeup…..,
lets start,
before i start, i confidently conclude that i never share here
someone findings or bounties, its totally mine. May be Today i am not
a great bug bounty hunter….but still i am in race…..i always trust my self
slowly i will improve my self and also share my findings here for
someone who want hack more with more knowledge.
OK., Back to our topic.
its yeswehack program, it has only two domains in scope. and
its first time for hunting on yeswehack platform.
lets consider domain name :
we already know most hackers check for technologies ,wayback archive,
shodan,censys ….etc for vulnerabilities.
same me also,but nothing i got.Then i fired up burpsuite and
checking every functionality in website like normal user.
then again nothing i got, after i was decided checking for reflections.
so i was start checking every url, even that no parameter also i started